Join our VIBE Tribe and VIBE ON!!!
About us
Some picture
Vibexchange was founded in Gardner Massachusetts in early 2019 by the owner and CEO Justin Khachi. Justin is originally from the South Bay in California. He had recently moved out of California to Massachusetts to escape the high cost of living. BUT there was two issues with this. He couldn't obtain his favorite craft brews from California and he couldn't surf on the regular... Justin was working in the Charlton Massachusetts area and his good friend Brian Ronn AKA BJ had told him about a brewery that would change his life and his taste buds FOREVER!!!!! Justin was very skeptical but decided to go to this brewery together on the way to a Iration concert... Justin, Justin's wife Krystle, BJ and Molly stood in a very long line that took about a hour to get to the front of the line. Once Justin tasted this beer he was instantly blown away bye the amazing unique taste that he had just experienced. Justin found himself going to this brewery ONCE or TWICE a week, depending on the breweries beer releases of the day.. Soon enough people where asking Justin to go to the brewery and pick up there beer for them and they would pay for his beer. Justin started posting pictures of his beer on social media platforms and his friends in California wanted to to try them for themselves. So he traded with them for his missed local Home town breweries. This is how it all started, Justin was loading up the beer for the days haul and instant light bulb came to his head. This should be some kind of business of some sort.
This idea 💡 gave birth to the Facebook group page called Vibexchange AKA VIBE TRIBE THIS GROUP BLEW UP!!!!! in a short span of time we were up to 6k in members and found out that there's so many TOP NOTCH BREWERIES in the world 🌎. After the start of the Facebook group page and gaining so many members to our Vibe Tribe. Justin decided to make this a actual business. He called on his good friends BJ, Dane and Marion to help him with this process. BJ was very familiar with the craft beer industry seeing that he works in the industry.
Dane Wilson has a degree in business and helps guide the direction of Vibexchange. Also is a amazing Carpenter and makes all the Vibexchange specialty boxes and help build the Vibexchange studio.
Marion Kennedy the right hand man to Justin. Marion has come up with so many good ideas to involve the members of Vibexchange. Such as the craft beer brew crawls via buss or train. He has earned the title of VP for Vibexchange.
There was still some area's of running a company that we definitely need help on. These areas are sales, development and graphic design. Vibexchange decided to make department's for these area's. Executive Sales Department Manager is Jeremy Love
Executive Development Department Manager is Arash Javadi Kashani.

After the team was assembled Vibexchange started to take form. We wanted to become the world's first craft beer guide. We decided to take baby steps and start in the USA but soon we will be world wide allowing everyone to experience the love of craft beer love 🍺 ♥️ !!!!!!!!!! Cheers 🍻 and welcome to the Vibe Tribe!!!!!