Join our VIBE Tribe and VIBE ON!!!


The Trading Post is the place on VIBExchange where VibeTribers can buy and sell items with other members by direct message. If you have a T-shirt design or some artwork or any other merch (not illegal) that you think other VibeTribers might like, you can post it at the Trading Post. If a VibeTriber is interested, they can contact you with an instant message and the two of you can meet, discuss and make a deal. Or not.Thats all up to you. VIBExchange only provides the board/platform where your stuff is posted. We don't have any involvement in the discussions and other interactions between buyers and sellers or the terms of any deals that they make or do not make. Because all aspects of the Trading Post happen privately, by direct messaging, VIBExchange has no liability for any aspect of any transaction that begins with a post on the Trading Post. If you have a comment or think something about this feature has gone over the line, let us know at

Remember: If you think a deal may not be right don't do it.